Dk'd - Accessions


This single web page .html file is intended as a playtest vehicle for a computer automated programmed- text adventure utility. Here it uses an adaptation of the Legends Of Time And Space game rules published by Dark City Games. It is to be considered an open source tutorial for HTML/ CSS and DOM Javascript, and is free to use. Developed for playtesting at Archon 44 10/1/21.

"Dk'd" demo app in prep for open play: dkdX2Md.html.

   making use of the tabletop game module ruleset's .pdf file: ltsRul.pdf.

Source code (tagged as .txt for downloading) file: dkdX2Md.txt.

Module's design & programming notes in progress:

Scenario layout sourcebook dkdG2.txt,

Program code <script> guidebook dkdG4.txt.

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