Parlor Magic - Accessions

This single web page .html file is intended as a playtest vehicle for a playing card variant of the Magic The Gathering game rules. It is to be considered an open source tutorial for HTML/ CSS and DOM Javascript, and is free to use. Developed for playtesting at Archon 46 9/29/23.

"Parlor Magic" demo app in prep for open play, making use of the text game module ruleset plrX0Md.rtf: plrX0Ap.html. Source code (tagged as .txt for downloading) file: plrX0Ap.txt.

Module's design & programming notes in progress:
MTG extract handbook plrG1.txt,
Scenario layout sourcebook plrG2.txt,
Application design playbook plrG3.txt,
Program code <script> guidebook plrG4.txt.

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The MTG material of Parlor Magic is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.